What if you could be truly more productive even when facing distractions, stress, change and uncertainty? And be more, have more, share more and find more passion. Then realize it is not about time management! It is about mind management! Plus, learn how to maximize how much you get done in every area of your life.

The secret is simple but not easy.  It is summed up by Sartre’s quote - Life is the C between B and D. C = Choice, B = Birth, D = Death.

The negative response you initially find yourself invoking (which on average is about 80% of the time) lies in how you respond in a way which can lead to more productivity.

Read the excerpt from a commencement speech given by Steve Jobs: Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living within the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

You have the ability to turn the dials on how you respond and act which turns the dials on greater productivity. 

There are many steps to productivity. Here are just four from my program. Number 4 could create multiple blogs!

1.     Change your distractions.

2.     Focus on one thing at a time. 

3.     Take breaks. 

4.     Manage your energy, not just your time.

Ask yourself, “Have I struggled with  burnout in the last year (41% of the workplace has.) Or have you found yourself procrastinating, getting things done at the last minute and seemingly always rushing, or seeing your to-do list grow? Do you wish you could clone yourself?

Do you struggle focusing? People typically focus best for periods of 50 to 120 minutes. After that window, productivity goes down. A short respite, such as taking a walk or chatting with a colleague can deliver another spurt of productivity.

The place of highest productivity is in a flow state of mind. Anyone can achieve it, but few try to replicate it.The criteria that need to be met are high concentration, optimal performance, and deep enjoyment of the activity you are doing.

There are seven flow tips to learn more about achieving peak levels of concentration, performance, and enjoyment. Want to learn more, contact me.



