This is the third in my series of the three biggest threats to our health: I’m not worthy, I am different/defective, and I can’t attain or achieve this – which is the one we will address today. It amazes me how some people say that they I don’t suffer from any of those, and others say, That they are intimate friend with all three.
All of us face challenges that can seem out of reach or beyond our abilities. Some are based in reality or just in our mind, so why is that?
Everything starts with your thoughts! But it extends to your words, actions, habits, character and eventually your destiny and it is a choice. Each thought creates a chemical reaction which travels to your body. Your words are powerful, and each have meaning in your mind yet we seldom take time to examine them.
When I am golfing and say – “Don’t hit it in the water,” my subconscious mind does not understand contractions like "don't". So, of course, I hit it into the water. We don’t realize that our thought or words are just the same as saying “I can’t attain or achieve that”.
Your subconscious mind has the habit of taking everything literally. It listens to everything you say and processes at an extremely fast speed. It can tie every similar experience that has happened in your life to confirm what you just experienced as true whether it is or not. It also does not differentiate between negative and positive.
Instead of speaking in terms of what you don't want to do, you need to always speak in terms of what you WANT to do.
The subconscious mind is involved in information processing and affects everything we think, say and do. It stores our beliefs and values and monitors the information all around us, deciding what to send to the conscious mind or your body and what to store for later. It’s software is essentially your imaginations, memories and emotions. Some issues that can exacerbate this feeling are:
Inner restlessness: A feeling that something is missing in life, even when you have what you think you want
Stress: Feeling overwhelmed by too much to do
Anxiety: Feeling paralyzed and unable to start activities for fear of the future
Mental health conditions: A lack of energy and motivation
If you would like to learn how to change your Can’ts, Should’ves or Don’ts into Cans, Done and I Got This, let’s talk.