Have you ever commented “I wish I would’ve known this before?” Now is the only time that we can seize and experience the change we wish we would’ve had. Attain the mindset that the life we have is a precious gift.
Some life lessons I wish they had known earlier but can change my life now:
1. Values: Set 3-5 standards instead of goals and evaluate progress daily - you will never need motivation.
2. Purpose: “The two most important days in life are the day you born and the day you discover the reason why.” – Mark Twain Being intentional towards attaining your meaning in life can change your life.
3. Gratitude: As you wake up and before you go to bed, express gratitude about others, about things and about yourself. You will see a change in attitude in two months.
4. Compassion: “True compassion means not only feeling another's pain but also being moved to help relieve it.” Daniel Goleman
5. Self-Awareness: ID your current thoughts/feelings, focus and environment, then ID your future self and visualize it.
6. Empathy: Non-judgmental seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.
7. Expectations: Stress = Your Expectations of your demands!
8. Forgiveness: Work towards forgiving yourself first. Identify your role and be rational about it. Most people who you are unwilling to forgive do not even know they need forgiveness.
Resilience: We all want it and yet we don’t celebrate what we already have.
Self-Care: Your health is your most valuable asset. Eat well, exercise regularly (strength 60% and cardio), and get enough sleep.
Time: Life is short, and time flies by. Make the most of every moment and don't waste it on things that don't matter.
Relationships: Your relationships with family, friends, and loved ones are among the most important things in life. Cherish them and nurture them.
You are responsible for your own happiness: Don't look to others to make you happy. Your happiness is your own responsibility. Don't beat yourself up over mistakes.
Never stop learning,start todayto become the you, you have always wanted to be. Pick one lesson and focus on it for one week, then add another. In four months you and others will amazed at your difference