What are you thinking?

Neuroscience has proven that our thoughts create up to 90% of illnesses and can even change our genes. Neuroplasticity (brain/change) is widely accepted, but can we change our lives by changing our thoughts?

Your subconscious mind is your finite past and yet operates 90+% of all of your actions. The present is infinite and happens in our conscious mind. There is no such thing as being finished in the conscious mind.

So, can you change your lives by changing your thoughts? Neuroscientist Caroline Leaf says yes.

Consciousness is being aware of and not judging the moment. Our best decisions come through logically thinking and analyzing what we are aware of in the present moment.

To be fully conscious, we need to invoke a state of mind, emotion, attitude, and focus on our attention and bring it to our intention. In being aware, mindful and conscious, we are using a different part of our brain that is turned off or dormant when accessing memories, imaginations and emotions from our subconscious past.

Another reason for being in consciousness is to be fully present with whatever subject/person we are involved with. This allows us to have a fresh new perspective with a subject or a person. It’s in the moment that we are not interrupted by our memories, emotions and imaginations which interfere with and filter our present perceptions that keep us in the past. It is at this point that we can break those thoughts and habits that we don’t like and purge those things that do not belong.

It is like Michelangelo who was asked how he carved the statue of David. He said all he did was to carve off the pieces that did not belong!

Conscious awareness operates like a muscle. For muscles to be strong, you have to exercise them - regularly. Telling your muscle to remember to be strong will not help. This is one of the reasons that the MindSync 3MX program is so successful. We teach you Mindfulness, Meditation and Movement so you can become who you have always desired – personally and in business.

If you want to find out how to reach a higher state of consciousness, contact us.


In the Pursuit of Happiness


Making the unfamiliar the familiar