Dear My Future Self

Some people seem to sail through life making things look easy. They are confident, successful, self-assured and don't make mistakes. They seem to fit in and belong in any situation. And they are successful in all they endeavor. At least that is what is perceived!

What is their secret? First, what you perceive and think you are seeing in ‘those people’ is not necessarily true. But there are some characteristics that many have that we can all use:

  • It begins with how we start our day. Wake up with TIME. Be Thankful for the things we have. Be Inspired by action and life. Use Meditation for focus and calm. Exercise for the body and mind.

  • Stop the digital deluge (at least for your first half hour).

  • Examine your mindset.

  • Set goals, prioritize, and act.

  • Fill your mind with positive thoughts, feelings, and actions.

  • Take responsibility for your actions – reexamine blame.

  • Follow-up on projects and ask for help, or delegate lower business building tasks.

  • Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

  • Calendar regular time outs for daydreaming.

  • Keep an open mind.

  • Never stop learning.

  • Stay adaptable.

  • Openly admit to making mistakes and learn from them.

  • Prioritize happiness, and health.

  • Stretch and exercise your body daily.

  • Work ON (20% each day) verses IN your business.

  • Automate your business as much as possible.

  • Step outside your comfort zone regularly.

  • If something isn't working, try something new.

  • Recover quickly from down times.

If you find yourself struggling just to make these happen, give me a call. I will help you to reach your goals and future self.


Making the unfamiliar the familiar


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